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BEGC- 134 Reading the Novel- Assignment Solve || ( ASSIGNMENT July 2023–January 2024 ) BAG- Assignment Solution

Answer all questions.

Section A

1. Write short notes in about 100 words each:  ( 4 x 5=20 )

(i)  Style

Ans- Style in literature refers to the unique way in which an author expresses their ideas through language. It encompasses the author's choice of words, sentence structure, tone, and overall voice. Style can vary greatly from one writer to another and is often a defining characteristic of their work. It plays a crucial role in conveying the author's message and evoking emotions in the reader. Well-known authors often have distinctive styles that make their writing instantly recognizable, such as Ernest Hemingway's concise and direct prose or William Faulkner's complex and stream-of-consciousness style.

(ii) Colonising the African Mind

Ans- "Colonising the African Mind" is a concept that explores the long-lasting impact of European colonialism on the collective psyche of African people. It suggests that the colonial era not only physically exploited and controlled African lands but also had a profound influence on the way Africans perceive themselves and their culture. This mental colonization involved the imposition of European values, beliefs, and worldviews, often eroding or suppressing indigenous African knowledge and identity. Scholars argue that decolonizing the African mind is essential for the continent's social, cultural, and economic development.

(iv) Third World Novels

Ans-"Third World Novels" is a term used to describe literature from countries and regions that were historically marginalized or exploited by colonial powers and are now often referred to as the "Global South" or the "developing world." These novels typically address issues such as post-colonial identity, social inequality, political unrest, and cultural clashes. Prominent examples include Chinua Achebe's "Things Fall Apart," which examines the impact of British colonialism on Igbo society in Nigeria, and Gabriel García Márquez's "One Hundred Years of Solitude," which delves into the complexities of Latin American history and identity.

(iv) Edna Pontellier

Ans- Edna Pontellier is the protagonist of Kate Chopin's novel "The Awakening," published in 1899. She is a complex character who struggles with societal norms and expectations placed upon women in the late 19th century. Edna seeks personal and sexual liberation, defying the traditional roles of wife and mother. Her journey towards self-discovery and independence ultimately leads to her tragic end, making her a symbol of early feminist literature. "The Awakening" is often considered a seminal work in feminist literature and a critique of the limitations placed on women in Edna's time.

Section B

Answer the following in about 350 words each:    ( 4 X 20 = 80 )

1. Examine The Awakening using symbolism as a mode of enquiry.

Ans- Kate Chopin's novel "The Awakening" is rich in symbolism, which serves as a powerful tool for exploring its themes of female emancipation and societal constraints. Several key symbols in the novel include:

i. The Sea: The sea is a central symbol in "The Awakening." It represents both freedom and danger. Edna Pontellier learns to swim and becomes increasingly drawn to the sea as the story unfolds, symbolizing her desire for independence and self-discovery. However, the sea also represents the unpredictable and uncontrollable aspects of life, culminating in the tragic ending of the novel.

ii. Birds: Birds in the novel symbolize different aspects of Edna's journey. The parrot in the Pontellier household mimics the expectations and constraints of society, while the caged birds represent Edna's own entrapment within her roles as wife and mother. As Edna progresses in her awakening, she identifies more with the free and independent birds, like the pigeon with the broken wing, which she sets free.

iii. The House: The Pontellier house on Grand Isle symbolizes the confines of traditional domesticity. Edna feels suffocated within its walls, and her growing discomfort with domestic life is reflected in her growing desire to move out of the house and into her own space.

iv. Art: Art serves as a symbol of self-expression and liberation. Edna's attempts at painting and her association with the talented artist Mademoiselle Reisz represent her quest for personal identity and autonomy. Through art, Edna seeks to define herself outside the roles society has imposed upon her.

v. The Awakening: The title itself is symbolic of Edna's journey towards self-awareness. Her awakening signifies her realization of her own desires, ambitions, and the limitations placed on her as a woman in the late 19th century.

2. Discuss Paraja as a text that deals with the economic plight of tribals.

Ans- Gopinath Mohanty's novel "Paraja" is a poignant exploration of the economic struggles faced by tribal communities in India, particularly in the state of Odisha. The story revolves around the Majhi family, members of the Paraja tribe, and highlights the following aspects of their economic plight:

i. Land Dispossession: The novel vividly portrays how the Paraja tribe is gradually dispossessed of their ancestral land by more powerful and exploitative groups. Land is central to their livelihood, and its loss leads to impoverishment and dependence on others.

ii. Agricultural Practices: "Paraja" delves into the traditional agricultural practices of the tribe and the challenges they face due to changing agricultural policies, land encroachment, and the exploitation of middlemen and moneylenders. These factors contribute to their economic vulnerability.

iii. Economic Exploitation: The economic exploitation of the Paraja community is a recurring theme. They are forced into unfair labor arrangements, including the collection of forest produce and working on the farms of wealthier landowners, which often results in low wages and debt bondage.

iv. Hunger and Poverty: The novel portrays the harsh reality of hunger and poverty that the Paraja community endures. Their economic struggles lead to malnutrition and dire living conditions.

v. Lack of Education and Access: The Paraja tribe's limited access to education and healthcare exacerbates their economic challenges. They are trapped in a cycle of poverty, with little opportunity for social and economic mobility.

vi. Exploitation by Officials: The novel also highlights the corruption and exploitation by government officials who are meant to protect the rights and welfare of tribal communities but often prioritize their own interests.

3. What do you think does a literary text loose in the process of literary translation with reference to Perak,

Ans- Literary translation is a complex and nuanced process that involves transferring not just the words of a text but also its cultural, linguistic, and contextual nuances into another language. In the case of the novel "Perak," originally written in a specific cultural and linguistic context, several aspects may be lost in translation:

i. Cultural Nuances: The novel likely contains cultural references, idioms, and customs that are unique to the source culture. In translation, these nuances may be challenging to convey accurately, leading to a loss of cultural depth and authenticity.

ii. Linguistic Specificity: Languages often have words or expressions that do not have direct equivalents in other languages. Translators must make choices about how to convey these unique linguistic elements, which can result in subtle shifts in meaning or tone.

iii. Contextual Relevance: The novel may be deeply rooted in the historical, social, or political context of its source culture. Translating these contextual elements accurately can be challenging, and readers from a different cultural background may not fully grasp the significance of certain references.

iv. Wordplay and Puns: Literary texts frequently employ wordplay, puns, and literary devices that rely on the specific sounds and meanings of words in the source language. Translating such elements while preserving their impact can be difficult and may result in creative compromises.

v. Stylistic Differences: Authors often have distinctive writing styles that contribute to the overall aesthetic and emotional impact of a text. Translating these stylistic qualities faithfully is a complex task, and some of the author's unique voice may be lost in the process.

vi. Poetic and Rhythmic Qualities: If "Perak" contains poetry, songs, or rhythmic elements, these may be particularly challenging to translate while maintaining their artistic integrity.

4. Criticially ananlyse the consequences of the white man's arrival in Umuofia, in Achebe's Things Fall Apart.

Ans- Chinua Achebe's "Things Fall Apart" explores the profound and multifaceted consequences of the arrival of white colonists in Umuofia, an Igbo village in Nigeria. The impact of the white man's arrival can be analyzed as follows:

i. Cultural Disruption: The arrival of the white man disrupts the traditional Igbo way of life in Umuofia. The introduction of Christianity and European values challenges the indigenous beliefs, customs, and social structures, leading to a clash of cultures.

ii. Loss of Identity: Many Igbo people, including the protagonist Okonkwo, struggle to adapt to the changes brought by the white man. This often results in a loss of identity and a sense of cultural dislocation.

iii. Social Fragmentation: The introduction of a new legal and political system erodes the traditional authority of the Igbo elders and leaders. This fragmentation of the community weakens its 

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